Writer. Artist.
Shé:kon and welcome to my website! My name is Odadrihonyanisoh, and also, Sara General. I belong to the Turtle Clan and the Mohawk Nation and I live in the community of Six Nations of the Grand River on Turtle Island.
I primarily write MG and YA speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy), inspired by themes and events in Haudenosaunee history. I've also published a collection of short stories and essays in my book Spirit & Intent. You can find my published work here: http://www.sarageneral.com/books/
I'm an artist and a language learner, and am currently working on a series of comics and children's books written to support my (and my children’s) learning. I’ve shared some of my art here on the site: www.sarageneral.com/art/ but my newest work and art portfolio is located here: https://www.iokaraskats.com. The language books can be found at: www.spiritandintent.com.
My research interests include Haudenosaunee cultural stories, Indigenous educational leadership and Indigenous language revitalization, and I work in the area of Indigenous education and policy. I also like to play the piano and make art, and from time to time, I post snippets of my musings, paintings in progress and travel on my very new, yet to be fully populated YouTube channel.
You can reach me by email at sarakathryngeneral@gmail.com. Nyá:wen for taking the time to look around!
Sara General is Mohawk, Turtle Clan from Six Nations of the Grand River where she lives with her husband, three children, and pet turtle. Sara is a writer, artist, language learner, and researcher, and she holds a Doctor of Education from Western University. In addition to her work for Spirit & Intent, an Indigenous publishing company she co-founded to make language books for her community, Sara’s work has been published by Rubicon Books, Kayak Magazine, Exile Quarterly, Theytus Books, and Hamilton Arts & Letters. Her illustrations have appeared in Kayak Magazine and in publications by the Smithsonian Centre for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. She is currently working on a new young adult fantasy novel called, The Fortunes of Ithaca (a follow-up to The Fortune Teller’s Daughter) and a middle grade fantasy called, The Cat Who Stole Time. She tends to overthink everything and she loves to read.
Have reading recommendations? Feel free to send them my way!
I’m mostly online on instagram: @odadrihonyanisoh