The Art of Letting

This whole post is probably going to feel really abstract and strange and I think it’s because in a lot of ways, I feel like I’m in some sort of flux - a good flux.  And I feel in many ways that I’m on a journey that I didn’t expect to be on and this journey is all about letting.  About letting ideas become collaborations. About letting things happen.  About letting learning and change occur.  It’s probably a concept that has probably been captured in some really great introspective self-realization or actualization book or encoded in myths and legends – (I actually think I’m going to look at that further – the myths and legends).  It might be a really intuitive process. It might be something that people study as a matter of science or explore as a matter of art.  It’s probably terribly transparent in the universe around me and even writing this, I’m certain I have read poetry marvelling at the ease in which Creation lets things happen, whether it’s seasonal change, the running of sap from trees, or wild storms and volcanic eruptions.   I mentioned in a previous post what kind of things I was going to do this year – read, write, create, listen, learn languages and have ideas, play, etc.  And as I do these things – it’s a recurring theme – letting.
I have struggled with this change and I’m not sure why.  Probably lots of reason - maybe I've been too indoctrinated with the notion that change is something that happens when you ‘just do it’.  But for me, right here and now, I’m realizing that there needs to be more of a balance between what I do and what I let happen.  And in finding that balance, I need to learn about what I push away as impossible and how to not create boundaries and barriers - not that there aren’t boundaries of course.  But as long as I am trying hard to honour Treaties and be respectful of the relationships that I have with this world and not afraid to critique my actions in a loving way, I will have a way to teach myself to do better.  It makes a lot of room for the positive and at the same time – allows me to think about and create things in ways I have never thought about or tried before. 
This picture makes me smile.  I love the idea that vision is a shared thing, informed by everyone.

And obviously, I care a lot about certain issues.  I hope our peoples feel empowered and excited and proud.  So I certainly don’t mean, that letting things happen means letting people bully each other or tear one another down or hold grudges. I don’t know how much control anyone really has over those kinds of situations and I know that sometimes when you stand up for something, you can get hurt.  And that hurt can turn into a lot of other things - anger, sadness, resilience, compassion, empathy, understanding, strength.  What I do know, is that I have a conscience and a spirit and a soul and I am a part of this universe in some way, so if I think it’s important to be the kind of person that lets things go, then I can practice that.  If I want my hurt to turn into compassion instead of anger, I can work at that.  If I think it’s important to try and lower my water and carbon footprints for future generations (and I do J) - then I will.  I like when I find people who are doing this – especially when they are doing it in different ways than I am or in innovative ways I had never considered.  It’s influenced how I do things in the everyday, and I think it means that I am learning how to let people be apart of my solutions to do better in my everyday life and in the process - it’s teaching me how to be a participant or listener in other forums where discussions are happening.

So as much as I struggle with this change that is occurring – I like it.  It makes me hopeful, learning how to work hard and share my energy but still let things go, let things happen, let people help, let myself not know an answer, let myself learn, let myself try to find new ones, and let things be okay.

Above are some of the things that I have watched and read lately that are inspiring ideas and new revelations in my life and in the conversations that I am having with people in my life – especially the little ones J.  Each of these ideas are so interesting, that I think I want to do separate and focussed posts for each of them.  They're taking me on all these wonderful adventures and as always, I’m grateful.  


Dearest Universe